After several years of suffering through the character limits of Twitter and poor formatting of Facebook, I have finally broken down and created a "blog". And by "blog" I mean a space where I can post random thoughts -- some a page and some just a sentence or two -- about interesting things I stumble across on a daily basis.
So why the title "The Maxwell Mark?" Well Merriam-Webster defines "mark" as "a point under discussion" in addition to "a lasting or strong impression." Those that know me know I'm always up for a good discussion and thus the first definition. The things I will be posting about will be things that catch my eye or just strike me as unique and thus the second definition. Hopefully for the readers of this blog, both definitions will apply.
Now I cannot promise any regularity in my posting (I apologize to all 3 readers in advance) but I will try to do my best to keep the loyal following up-to-date. Once I get this thing going, please don't hesitate to fire some constructive criticism my way (or destructive if you're feeling feisty). That should do it for my intro but be looking for the first post soon.
YAY!! Cant wait to read all about it!